PEM studies, March 2001
Incidence, aetiology and outcome of non-traumatic coma: a population based study (Arch. Dis. Child, abstract)
Randomised controlled trial of 3 day versus 10 day intravenous antibiotics in acute pyelonephritis: effect on renal scaring (Arch. Dis. Child, abstract)
Exercise induced hypoglicemic hyperinsulinism (Arch. Dis. Child, abstract)
Excess risk of severe acute illness in children with chronic health conditions (Pediatrics, abstract)
Relation of two different subtypes of Croup before age three to wheezing, atopy, and pulmonary function during childhood: a prospective study (Pediatrics, abstract)
Association of lower continuity of care with greater risk of Emergency Department use and hospitalization in children (Pediatrics, abstract)
Traumatic brain injury outcome: concepts for emergency care (Ann. of Em. Med, abstract)
Role of flexion-extension radiographs in blunt Pediatric cervical spine injury (Acad Emerg Med, abstract)
Factors influencing the relation of infant feeding to asthma and recurrent wheeze in childhood (Thorax, abstract)
Use of skeletal survey in the evaluation of child malteatment (Am J Em Med, abstract)
Does influenza vaccination prevent asthma exacerbations in children? (J. pediatrics, abstract)
Prospective multicenter study of relapse after treatment for acute asthma among children presenting to the Emeregncy Department (J. pediatrics, abstract)
Postictal cerebrospinal fluid abnormalities in children (J. pediatrics, abstract)
House dust endotoxin and wheeze in the first year of life (Am. J. Resp. & Cr. C. Med., abstract)
Review: cell volume regulation and transport mechanisms across the blood-brain barrier: implications for the management of hypernatremic states (Eu. J. Pediatr., abstract)
Acute respiratory tract infections and Mannose-binding lectin insufficiency during early childhood (JAMA , Abstract)
Maternal depressive symptoms and Emeregncy Department use among inner-city children with asthma (Arch. Ped. Adolesc. Med, abstract)
Accuracy of non-invasive temporal artery thermometer for use in infants (Arch. Ped. Adolesc. Med, abstract)
Measles-Mumps-Rubella and other Measles containg vaccines do not increase the risk for bowel inflammatory disease  (Arch. Ped. Adolesc. Med, abstract)
La Cross Encephalitis in children (NEJM, abstract)
Randomized, controlled trial comparing once daily and three times daily Gentamycin in children with urinary tract infection (Ped Infec Dis J, abstract, no URI)
Duration of breast feeding and arterial distensibility in early adult life: population based study (BMJ, full)
Relationship between bronchial hyperresposiveness and development of asthma in wheezy infants (Chest, abstract)
Review: recent progress in clinical and basic Pertussis research (Eu. J. Pediatr., abstract)
Pediatric observation medicine (Emerg Med Clin North Am, Feb, abstract)
Asthma therapy in the observation unit (Emerg Med Clin North Am, Feb, abstract)
Artificial neural network predicts CT scan abnormalities in Pediatric patients with closed head injury  (J Trauma, Feb, abstract)
Capnography alone is imperfect for endotracheal tube placement confirmation during emergency intubation (J Emerg Med, abstract)
A prospective multicenter trial testing the SCOTI device for confirmation of endotracheal tube placement (J Emerg Med, abstract)
Headache in the Pediatric Emergency Department (Semin Pediatr Neurol, abstract)