PEM studies, January 2017
Parent Perceptions on Transfers to Pediatric Emergency Departments and the Role of Telemedicine
(Pediatr Emerg Care, abstract)
Incorporating a Computerized Cognitive Battery Into the Emergency Department Care of Pediatric Mild Traumatic Brain Injuries-Is It Feasible?
(Pediatr Emerg Care, abstract)
Pain Assessment in Children Younger Than 8 Years in Out-of-Hospital Emergency Medicine: Reliability and Validity of EVENDOL Score
(Pediatr Emerg Care, abstract)
Factors influencing drainage setting and cost for cutaneous abscesses among pediatric patients
(Am J Emerg Med, abstract)
Altered Level Of Consciousness: Evidence-Based Management In The Emergency Department
(Pediatr Emerg Med Pract, abstract)
Perceptions on the Impact of a Just-in-Time Room on Trainees and Supervising Physicians in a Pediatric Emergency Department
(J Grad Med Educ, abstract)
Mortality following helicopter versus ground transport of injured children
(Injury, abstract)
Prevalence of co-infection between respiratory syncytial virus and influenza in children
(Am J Emerg Med, abstract)
The utility of a handheld metal detector in detection and localization of pediatric metallic foreign body ingestion
(Int J Pediatr Otorhinolaryngol, abstract)
Development of a Global Respiratory Severity Score (GRSS) for Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infection in Infants
(J Infect Dis, abstract)
Hot Off the Press: Which Febrile Children With Sickle Cell Disease Need a Chest X-Ray?
(Acad Emerg Med, abstract)
Paediatric emergency department-based carbon monoxide detector intervention: a randomised trial
(Inj Prev, abstract)
Benchmarking Prehospital and Emergency Department Care for Argentine Children with Traumatic Brain Injury: For the South American Guideline Adherence Group
(PLoS One, abstract)
Improving Pediatric Education for Emergency Medical Services Providers: A Qualitative Study
(Prehosp Disaster Med, abstract)
Unique Molecular Patterns Uncovered in Kawasaki Disease Patients with Elevated Serum Gamma Glutamyl Transferase Levels: Implications for Intravenous Immunoglobulin Responsiveness (PLoS One, abstract)
Should grade of solid organ injury determine need for hospitalization in children?
(J Trauma Acute Care Surg, abstract)
Pediatric Sacroiliitis: Clinical and Microbiologic Differences Between Infants and Children-Adolescents
(Pediatr Infect Dis J, abstract)
Predictors of Intrathoracic Injury after Blunt Torso Trauma in Children Presenting to an Emergency Department as Trauma Activations
(J Emerg Med, abstract)
Association Between Early Participation in Physical Activity Following Acute Concussion and Persistent Postconcussive Symptoms in Children and Adolescents
(JAMA, abstract)
Characteristics of mesenteric lymphadenitis in comparison with those of acute appendicitis in children
(Eur J Pediatr, abstract)
Economic evaluation of nasogastric versus intravenous hydration in infants with bronchiolitis
(Emerg Med Australas, abstract)
Mid-arm circumference can be used to estimate weight of adult and adolescent patients
(Emerg Med J, abstract)
The Burden of Ionizing Radiation Studies in Children with Ventricular Shunts
(J Pediatr, abstract)
A host-protein based assay to differentiate between bacterial and viral infections in preschool children (OPPORTUNITY): a double-blind, multicentre, validation study
(Lancet Infect Dis, abstract)
New-Onset Seizure in Adults and Adolescents: A Review
(JAMA, abstract)
Children presenting in delayed fashion after minor head trauma with scalp swelling: do they require further workup?
(Childs Nerv Syst, abstract)
Lung Ultrasound as First-Line Examination for the Diagnosis of Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Children
(Pediatr Emerg Care, abstract)
A Novel Method of Intraosseous Infusion of Adenosine for the Treatment of Supraventricular Tachycardia in an Infant
(Pediatr Emerg Care, abstract)
Use of a Low Literacy Written Action Plan to Improve Parent Understanding of Pediatric Asthma Management: A Randomized Controlled Study
(J Asthma, abstract)
Use of radiography and ultrasonography for nasal fracture identification in children under 18 years of age presenting to the emergency department
(Am J Emerg Med, abstract)
Interpretation of Cerebrospinal Fluid White Blood Cell Counts in Young Infants With a Traumatic Lumbar Puncture
(Ann Emerg Med, abstract)
Emergency medical services (EMS) versus non-EMS transport among injured children in the United States
(Am J Emerg Med, abstract)
Evaluation of new two-thumb chest compression technique for infant cardiopulmonary resuscitation performed by novice physicians. A randomized, crossover, manikin trial
(Am J Emerg Med, abstract)
Association of Hospital Resources and Imaging Choice for Appendicitis in Pediatric Emergency Departments
(Acad Emerg Med, abstract)
The PECARN TBI rules do not apply to abusive head trauma
(Acad Emerg Med, abstract)
Somatic symptom disorder was common in children and adolescents attending an emergency department complaining of pain
(Acta Paediatr, abstract)
Secondhand Smoke Exposure, Illness Severity and Resource Utilization in Pediatric Emergency Department Patients with Respiratory Illnesses
(J Asthma, abstract)
Budesonide reduces hospital admission rates in preschool children with acute wheezing
(Pediatr Pulmonol, abstract)
A Computerized Sexual Health Survey Improves Testing for Sexually Transmitted Infection in a Pediatric Emergency Department
(J Pediatr, abstract)
How Safe Are Common Analgesics for the Treatment of Acute Pain for Children? A Systematic Review
(Pain Res Manag, abstract)
Development and feasibility testing of the Pediatric Emergency Discharge Interaction Coding Scheme
(Health Expect, abstract)
Emergency department visits related to functional abdominal pain in the pediatric age group
(J Investig Med, abstract)
The Use of Ultrasound-Measured Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter to Predict Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Failure in Children
(Pediatr Emerg Care, abstract)
Swimming Pool Electrical Injuries: Steps Toward Prevention
(Pediatr Emerg Care, abstract)
Genital and Extragenital Gonorrhea and Chlamydia in Children and Adolescents Evaluated for Sexual Abuse
(Pediatr Emerg Care, abstract)
Outcomes From Referrals and Unscheduled Visits From Community Emergency Departments to a Regional Pediatric Emergency Department in Canada
(Pediatr Emerg Care, abstract)
Clinical Pathway Effectiveness: Febrile Young Infant Clinical Pathway in a Pediatric Emergency Department
(Pediatr Emerg Care, abstract)
Association Between Early Lactate Levels and 30-Day Mortality in Clinically Suspected Sepsis in Children
(JAMA Pediatr, abstract)
Association Between Initial Emergency Department Lactate and Use of Vasoactive Medication in Children With Septic Shock
(Pediatr Emerg Care, abstract)
Pediatric information seeking behaviour, information needs, and information preferences of health care professionals in general emergency departments: Results from the Translating Emergency Knowledge for Kids (TREKK) Needs Assessment
(CJEM, abstract)
Point of care lung ultrasound of children with acute asthma exacerbations in the pediatric emergency department
(Am J Emerg Med, abstract)
Crystalloid Fluid Choice and Clinical Outcomes in Pediatric Sepsis: A Matched Retrospective Cohort Study
(J Pediatr, abstract)
Assessment of Splints Applied for Pediatric Fractures in an Emergency Department/Urgent Care Environment
(J Pediatr Orthop, abstract)
Resource Document: Coordination of Pediatric Emergency Care in EMS Systems
(Prehosp Emerg Care, abstract)
Incidence of acute intussusception among infants in eastern France: results of the EPIstudy trial
(Eur J Pediatr, abstract)
'Single-checked' Patient Group Directions during initial nurse assessment within paediatric emergency departments of the UK and Ireland
(Eur J Emerg Med, abstract)
In patients presenting to the emergency department with skin and soft tissue infections what is the diagnostic accuracy of point-of-care ultrasonography for the diagnosis of abscess compared to the current standard of care? A systematic review and meta-analysis
(BMJ Open, abstract)
Anaphylaxis in Children: Experience of 485 Episodes in 1,272,482 Patient Attendances at a Tertiary Paediatric Emergency Department from 2007 to 2014
(Ann Acad Med Singapore, abstract)
Controversies in the management of caustic ingestion injury: an evidence based review
(Clin Otolaryngol, abstract)
Trial of Amitriptyline, Topiramate, and Placebo for Pediatric Migraine
(NEJM, abstract)
Global Health and Emergency Care: Defining Clinical Research Priorities
(Acad Emerg Med, abstract)
Evacuation performance evaluation tool
(Am J Disaster Med, abstract)
Effectiveness of a radiation reduction campaign targeting children with gastrointestinal symptoms in a pediatric emergency department
(Medicine (Baltimore), abstract)
A Reexamination of the Accuracy of the Broselow Tape as an Instrument for Weight Estimation
(Pediatr Emerg Care, abstract)
Comparison of Resource Utilization and Length of Hospitalization Between Overweight and Healthy-Weight Pediatric Trauma Patients Presenting to a Pediatric Emergency Department With Moderate to Severe Injury: A Prospective Study
(Pediatr Emerg Care, abstract)
Examination of Pediatric Radiation Dose Delivered After Cervical Spine Trauma
(Pediatr Emerg Care, abstract)
Validating a Clinical Prediction Rule for Ventricular Shunt Malfunction
(Pediatr Emerg Care, abstract)
Paediatric ED BiPAP continuous quality improvement programme with patient analysis: 2005-2013
(BMJ Open, abstract)
Pediatric peritonsillar abscess: Outcomes and cost savings from using transcervical ultrasound
(Laryngoscope, abstract)
Escalating Mental Health Care in Pediatric Emergency Departments
(Clin Pediatr (Phila), no abstract)
Management of Hospitalized Asthmatic Children Before Transport
(Air Med J, abstract)
Education of pediatric subspecialty fellows in transport medicine: a national survey
(BMC Pediatr, abstract)
Adverse events and risk factors during emergency intubation in a tertiary paediatric emergency department
(Eur J Emerg Med, abstract)
Improving timeliness for acute asthma care for paediatric ED patients using a nurse driven intervention: an interrupted time series analysis
(BMJ Qual Improv Rep, abstract)
Clinical Pathway Effectiveness: Febrile Young Infant Clinical Pathway in a Pediatric Emergency Department
(Pediatr Emerg Care, abstract)
Role of Rifampin in Reducing Inflammation and Neuronal Damage in Childhood Bacterial Meningitis: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
(Pediatr Infect Dis J, abstract)
Chance Fractures in the Pediatric Population are Often Misdiagnosed
(J Pediatr Orthop, abstract)
A comparison in a youth population between those with and without a history of concussion using biomechanical reconstruction
(J Neurosurg Pediatr, abstract)
The effectiveness of rapid sequence intubation (RSI) versus non-RSI in emergency department: an analysis of multicenter prospective observational study
(Int J Emerg Med, abstract)
Prescription practice of antihistamines for acute upper respiratory tract infections in pediatric patients in a local emergency department in Hong Kong
(World J Emerg Med, abstract)
Children's Hospital Characteristics and Readmission Metrics
(Pediatrics, abstract)
Reliability and validity of pediatric triage tools evaluated in Low resource settings: a systematic review
(BMC Pediatr, abstract)
Offering general pediatric care during the hard times of the 2014 Ebola outbreak: looking back at how many came and how well they fared at a Médecins Sans Frontières referral hospital in rural Sierra Leone
(BMC Pediatr, abstract)
A Vibrating Cold Device to Reduce Pain in the Pediatric Emergency Department: A Randomized Clinical Trial
(Pediatr Emerg Care, abstract)
Bilateral Upper Extremity Hyperesthesia and Absence of Neck Tenderness in Four Adolescent Athletes With Cervical Spine Injuries
(Pediatr Emerg Care, abstract)
Variation in Pediatric Care Between Academic and Nonacademic US Emergency Departments, 1995-2010.
(Pediatr Emerg Care, abstract)
International Epidemiological Differences in Acute Poisonings in Pediatric Emergency Departments
(Pediatr Emerg Care, abstract)
Intranasal Analgesia and Sedation in Pediatric Emergency Care-A Prospective Observational Study on the Implementation of an Institutional Protocol in a Tertiary Children's Hospital
(Pediatr Emerg Care, abstract)
Emergency Department Care of Young Children at Risk for Traumatic Brain Injury: What Are We Doing and Do Parents Understand?
(Pediatr Emerg Care, abstract)
A systematic review of management strategies for children's mental health care in the emergency department: update on evidence and recommendations for clinical practice and research (Emerg Med J, abstract)
Anaphylaxis across two Canadian pediatric centers: evaluating management disparities
(J Asthma Allergy, abstract)
Association of Delayed Antimicrobial Therapy with One-Year Mortality in Pediatric Sepsis
(Shock, abstract)
Independent risk factors for recurrence of apparent life-threatening events in infants
(Eur J Pediatr, abstract)
A clinical decision rule for the use of ultrasound in children presenting with acute inflammatory neck masses
(Eur J Pediatr, abstract)
Reduced Emergency Department Utilization by Patients With Epilepsy Using QI Methodology
(Pediatrics, abstract)
Outcomes of Pediatric Fractures Managed With Closed Reduction by Orthopaedic Residents in the Emergency Department
(J Pediatr Orthop, abstract)
Evaluation of antivenom therapy for Vipera palaestinae bites in children: experience of two large, tertiary care pediatric hospitals
(Clin Toxicol (Phila), abstract)
Characteristics of children with microbiologically confirmed invasive bacterial infections in the emergency department
(Eur J Emerg Med, abstract)
YouTube: are parent-uploaded videos of their unwell children a useful source of medical information for other parents?
(Arch Dis Child, abstract)
Therapeutic Hypothermia after In-Hospital Cardiac Arrest in Children
(NEJM, abstract)